As a socially responsible company, DouroAzul in all its decisions, considers the community considers the environment in which it operates. These are examples of the voluntary integration of good social, environmental, and economic practices into its daily operations.
DouroAzul is committed to respecting and preserving the environment and local ecosystems, minimizing the potential negative impacts of its activity, and promoting good sustainable practices and environmental awareness. To this end, the company has adopted a markedly eco-oriented stance, taking measures such as following MARPOL guidelines, implementing technological innovations on its ships, and raising awareness of this issue among its public, both internal and external.
Currently, DouroAzul directly employs more than 400 people in the high season, spread across the Group’s boats, buses, and central structures.
Since it was founded, the company has progressively increased its workforce, assuming the role of a major employer in the Douro region. Both the recruitment and qualification of working or unemployed professionals is a strong commitment on the part of the company to the regions where it operates, contributing to the socio-economic development of the Douro and the north of the country. Hiring nationals, with special emphasis on “locals”, is one of DouroAzul’s principles aimed at supporting the Group’s identity and culturemphasis on “locals”, is one of DouroAzul’s principles aimed at supporting the Group’s identity and culture.
DouroAzul also plays a key role in promoting and preserving the culture, history, and traditions of the Douro region, encouraging knowledge and the sharing of multicultural experiences. This line of action is very much present in all the experiences it offers in the Douro, whether it’s the ship-hotel cruises, the bridge cruises, or the various partnerships developed with other entities.